Hawaiian Dream (Spring & Summer)
$7.00 per oz
Minimum order is 4 oz.
“Nanea wale” is Hawaiian for relaxing and this is the perfect tea for after those dinner dishes are done or the in-laws just left!
Pineapple cubes, cucumber slices, pineapple flakes, peppermint, whole peppermint, freeze-dried lemon slices. Low in acid
Tony Tran –
Forward notes: very crisp, very sweet scent but doesn’t linger. Light note of chlorophyll.
Body: begins sweet with pineapple but mellows quickly. Mint picked up but blends well with the fruit.
Finish: very distinct cucumber flavor, light flavor of citrus.
The Certintea –
One of my very favorite teas, Tony! Between the pineapple and cucumber, neither flavor overpowers the other while the mint lightly finishes on the back end. Perfect iced!